Are you kidding me with this? I spend a solid block of time online daily and hit the usual fountains of gorgeous, awe-inspiring imagery, but this is on some other shit entirely. If you could harness all of the exciting excitement of all the excitable kids of the world — the ones into Mecha and Voltron and Greek mythology and basically all 'warriors of scale' — and funnel that energy through a China that is so desperate to dwarf all other countries in the Use of Concrete and Bronze Olympics, you get this. Guan Yu stands at 48 meters tall and, jesus christ, is carrying the goddamn Green Dragon Crescent Blade. You could stack all of the instant geek boners in the world and never reach 48 meters. If there was an actual Earth-scale board game, this could function as a pawn. I'm out of words. Jesus.
Check out the write up over at Shanghaiist